Saturday, March 23, 2013

Definitely Keeping

Just because I mentioned it, and I have pictures -

These are clothespin dolls that Grandma L made.  I don't know if she tried to sell any.  She made sure that all the grandkids had them.  At least, she made sure all the female ones did.  I have one male cousin on that side, and he might have been skipped.

It's also possible that he wasn't.  Back when a new Barbie (tm) meant they had added Ken or Skipper to the line, Grandma L made sure that each of her grandchildren had the new Barbie (tm) as soon as it came out.  My cousin, being a boy, did not play with his.  We had not the first clue that this would be a benefit to him.  It those times and that place, the idea of children's toys being collectable would have seemed looney. 

But when my cousin reached college age, there they were - all those different Barbies (tm) sitting in the closet in their original packaging.  Not a hair out of place, not a plastic pump missing.

He sold them and bought a set of golf clubs.  So if he missed out on getting a clothespin doll, he wasn't entirely bereft.