Eh, dump that. If I went through and organized the pictues, I can go through later and update the writing. Feeling better.
So here are some things that I threw away without listing here.
These are cards that came with the gifts at my parent's wedding. They were in a box along with some photos.
The photos weren't of the wedding. I only have one photo of the wedding that isn't in a newspaper clipping, and it's a snapshot.
The photos in the newspapers sort of imply that there was a photographer at the wedding, but I've never found those photos anywhere.
When I say photos and newspapers, there were at least three different newspapers and three different poses. Newspapers didn't send photographers to weddings in the mid-fifties, did they?
This is a picture that I threw away. I didn't see it when I went through the blog, but I remember writing about it.
I remember saying that I could identify all of the people in the photo. The headless woman holding the cake is my Grandmother. The legs are my Grandfather.
The child in the playpen is not the child that the playpen was set up for. She's also not on time out. I could tell you which grandchild the playpen was set up for, too. But it's not a good picture, so it went.
Wait a minute. There's a second set of legs there in the corner. Well, that makes me a liar. I can't tell you with certainty who they belong to.
The faux leopard skin compact on the left would have been donated if the mirror inside it hadn't been broken. It's been in storage and out of powder for decades.
I need to remember to tell the kids the story of Grandma L's leopard skin hat. The moral of the lesson is that, yes, people do pay furriers to put fur items into a refrigerated area for storage, but, no, the crisper in your refrigerator is not a suitable substitute for that.
The next photos are of things that went into a yard sale. I'm pretty sure the yard sale got mentioned here as being about to happen. I refuse to feel guilty about posting the pictures late.
I don't seem to be able to place them side-by-side, no matter how small I make them. Oh, well. It's a free blog.
Let's see where the words go.
That was odd. I couldn't forward down to the bottom because interface would forward the second photo in the stack along with the cursor. But once I put in a sentence there, I could forward to the end, no problem. I'm sure there's a reason.